Friday, November 18, 2011

McD's Breakfast

Well, this morning I realized I didn't have any breakfast food and Major and I had to get out the door early, so I thought....opportunity! I pulled into McD's for a parfait and a tea this am and paid for the order behind me. When I got to the window, I asked if the gentleman behind me had placed his order and she said he was doing that now, so I told her that I wanted to pay for his meal. She said very surprised: "really?" Then she asked if I knew him and when I said no she looked at me like I was crazy. I told her thanks and to please ask him to pay it forward. I hope he was appreciative this morning and that he enjoyed his breakfast. It felt nice to do something nice for someone who was completely unsuspecting.:)

I do wish that people weren't surprised by people doing good deeds for each other. I wish that it was the norm and everyone was thoughtful and considerate to one another. That's a land of fairy-tales I guess, but still, can you imagine a world where everyone's first reaction was to care for those around them? I'm going to try really hard to be more contentious of  this because not only do I want people to be more considerate of each other, I want Major to grow up knowing how nice it feels to do nice things for other people.

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