Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Mama

This is the best $50 I have ever spent! 
by the way...Major did this! I didn't put one toy away :) 
There is a hint though: on the bottom of each bin is a picture of each kind of item that belongs, that way he can look at the picture and match what goes in. 
This makes for a happy Mama!!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

1. When I get a day to myself I like to: shop or craft, lately it is shopping for crafts! I have a new craft room that has totally inspired me!
2.  High School was: One of the best times of my life! I had great friends, life was easy, I had the best time cheering and have some of the best memories from those experiences. I also met and started dating Josh in high school, so I think that part/time in my life was pretty amazing too. I'm not sure I would go back and re-do high school but I have wonderful memories of that time in my life.
3. A little dream I have is: To have another baby. Josh and I always dreamed of having 3 kiddos, and well I don't think that will ever happen, but I do dream of having one more! :) (that's probably falls into the big dream category though)
4. A big dream I have is: For Major to grow up knowing his story and how special of a person he is. For him to know that he is perfect and that God created him just for us.
5. If I could drive any car it would be: Hands down a dark silver Range Rover Sport-SuperCharged. Oh my gosh, when I pass one on the street, I am tempted to pull over and give it the glorious right of way that it deserves!
6. A time when I felt really and truly beautiful was:  Probably the day after Major was born. We had to go somewhere and I remember holding this tiny bundle and thinking how much I had changed in 24 hours time. I felt like I carried myself differently and all those previous insecurities were gone, at least for that period of time. I felt beautiful holding my new son.
7. Tomorrow I will: be packing and heading to Fall Creek Falls for a few days of camping with Josh and Major.

Have a great Friday ya'll.
Link up Fill in the Blank Friday here.

Major's Birthday Balloon Wreath

I am finally done with Major's birthday balloon wreath and I am just giddy about how it turned out! I wish I could take all the creative credit for it, but I can't :( I saw it here and just had to try it out!  She said she used 144 balloons, I think I have over 500. Regardless, I think it's awesome!  I am still working on the ribbon part...trying to find the best way to hang it. I may just do a regular over the door hanger thingy. Anyway, enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Got a little brave

Ok so first of camera sucks and I really need a new one. Second of all...I got brave and tried a new spin on the here it is:
The stitching is a little off on the curve, but overall, I thought it turned out pretty cute.

Monday, September 13, 2010


So since I am learning to sew, I decided to make a so called easy taggie blanket. Honestly it was pretty easy. It is not perfect, or beautiful and I certainly wouldn't give it to anyone, but it is special to me because it was the first one that I made. I think I will just hang on to it in case I ever have a little girl. She won't care that the stitches are crooked. :
My Materials
Pinning the "taggies" on
Adding the backing
And Ta-Da...We have a Taggie Blanket
It was fun to make, so I think I will keep on practicing getting those stitches straight!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Funday Friday

Well here is it Friday again and nothing too interesting has happened in my life this week, so if any of you are interested here is Fill in the Blank Friday:

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten: probably pig "parts" on our honeymoon in Antigua. I'm not too sure what the "parts" consisted of, but I was trying to be all exotic on our exotic honeymoon but I just ended up with a real bad tummy ache and a boatload of regret.
2. I wouldn't be caught dead: With one of those stupid little yappy dogs in a purse. I think those are really dumb and you know that poor dog is so embarrassed to be carried around in a purse.
3. When I'm 75 I will: Be a little old lady sitting next to my little old husband surrounded by lots of family and love.
4. If I had to be named after a place it would be: Just off the top of my head, I like Aspen, as in Colorado, I know, I know, so weird, but I bet it is beautiful there and that name just makes the think of nice fresh air. I also like the name Austin. Yes, it is a boys name, but I kinda like that trend.
5. My name is: Heather, because my mom liked it and thought it was better sounding than Autumn (my dad's choice) and Lynn after my beautiful Aunt Vicki Lynn. Pretty plain though.
6. My all time favorite photo is: One of Josh and I sitting in a canoe in his yard. I was 14 and he was 15. It is one of the first pictures we ever took together. We thought we were crazy in love! It makes me happy to see that picture and to think of all that we have become together.
7. If I could afford it, I would:  Hire a maid and a personal chef so that 1. I could spend more time with my family, and 2. so that we would all have nice yummy healthy food to eat all the time.

Once again, follow Fill in the Blank Friday Here

I needed a funny tonight

  This chick is hilarious...check out her blog

random musings.

The price of razor refills is ridiculous.
(That's right.  I'm talking to you Gillette Venus.)
However, the cute Venus-esque Target brand one?
Not the same.  Unless you like cuts and blood.
Trust me.

Suave conditioner is a beautiful alternative to shave gel.
Helps lessen the sting of the cost of the dumb razors.
But do not, I repeat, do not use it on your hair.  Unless you like dreadlocks and crying.
Again, trust me.

If I ever invent a new hair care line, or if a hair care line ever asked me what I want most, this is it.
Conditioner bottles should always be twice as big as shampoo bottles.  But cost the same.

Tip of the day:
Don't accidently shut your flat iron on your earlobe.

Alba products rock my world.
I pretend that I am in Kauai every time I use them.
I am in pretend Kauai a lot.
I wish I was in real Kauai more than pretend Kauai.

Dental insurance is an oxymoron.
I think it would be much more fun to throw money in a trash can and light it on fire.
Then roast s'mores on the flames.

That is all.

Read more:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

Saw this on fellow blogger Jenna's profile and thought it'd be fun! She's always doing fun stuff over on her blog. So for a little Friday night fun, here goes.
1.  If I didn't have to work anymore I would:  Spend a lot more time with my family. Have a few more kiddos, and travel. 2. My favorite thing about vacation is:  Not really having an agenda. I love the freedom to relax and not do anything and not feel guilty about that. I love having breakfast on vacation for some reason, too. 3. When packing for a trip, I always lay my clothes out by category then by color. Then put them in the suitcase according to how they will be used, for example, if we will arrive late at night then pajamas go on top. I always put my shoes in  gallon baggies too. (Don't judge me)! 4. If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead or alive) I would choose: Probably John Travolta. I have a super crush on him. I think he is so hot! Weird I know. But bonus he has his own plane! I guess technically that wouldn't be a road trip, it'd be an air trip :) 5. My top three absolute travel essentials are: Chapstick, Sunglasses and a a few magazines.
6. Vacations are: Awesome, much needed, relaxing, and unfortunately not taken as often as I'd like. 7.  On vacation you must always: Do something fun and unexpected to make it especially memorable. The last little vacation Josh and I went on, we hiked 2 miles with intertubes (is that how you spell that?), innertubes?, entertubes?, round floating devices .....on our backs just to go down some white water on our nice realxing floating adventure. It was super awesome, so much fun and definitely the best part of the trip!  

Thanks Jenna for this fun little idea. Check out the blog that Jenna get's these from weekly and link up here.