Wednesday, July 20, 2011


A-DDICTED to Pinterest! OMGoodness! It's crazy! Check out my stuff and follow me HERE :)

Not so wordless Wednesday

I was gonna make this a "wordless Wednesday" post...BUT...I decided to sew today and made one of the little "want to" things on my list! Here is Major's new take anywhere thingy...courtesy of kojodesigns. Click here to see the inspiration...

And here is Bubs already checking in out:

Good thing it's too hot to do anything but sew these days!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I feel like I need to blog. I am a blog slacker these days. I've been sewing my fingers off, so between that and a 3 year old that needs to be constantly entertained, I haven't made much time for this here blog. Seems like all my latest posts are random. Guess that sums up the summer. We haven't done much, same as the last post. Josh has 4 and a half weeks of the academy left and Major and I have about 4 weeks of summer left. We just have one weekend to the mountains planned, nothing fancy but I am looking forward to getting away.
One thing I have wanted to blog about is Major swimming! He is rockin' it out at the pool! He has been wanting to jump off the high dive all summer but I was kinda scared to send my 3 yr old off it, well Josh finally met us at the pool a few weeks ago and with him there we let Major jump! It was so fun to watch. He was so brave and so proud of himself. I wish I could upload the video on here, but Josh took it on his phone and I can't figure out how to get it on here. If you want to see how awesome Major is though.....check out my FB. You might have to scroll a little though, sorry. I have some serious inspiration with sewing right now. I want to make everything but I just don't have time. Here are a few things I am oodling over:

Cutest Ever Monster Hooded Towel
Super Fun Play Mat for the car or restaurant
And this super awesome, so fun tent for my classroom: 
All of this awesomeness is courtesy of:

 Also happening in our house is party planning. I really haven't started gathering things just yet, but the ideas are flowing. Honestly though I am a little stumped with the kind of party that Major wants. I guess I have ideas and I am excited to plan it, but I feel like there aren't a ton of things out there for what specifically I am looking for. Anyway, stay tuned for more ideas, and inspiration on his party.  
Ok, well that was another random rambling blog but it was an update nonetheless. Can't wait to share with y'all about Josh's graduation and all the other fun things that will be happening in the fall!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I count my blessings everyday

I count my blessings everyday, Jesus you are wonderful to me.
It was Major singing this song that made me realize today that even when I am overwhelmed and stressed out over life's lemons that are thrown at me I can rejoice in Him and know that these things aren't going to kill us. They are stresses that we will figure out and work through. Yesterday when I got a phone call of more stressful news, I was a little mad, but thought about my mother-in-law and how she is in heaven watching over us. I thought about her grace, her faith, the illness that claimed her life entirely too early and thought, you know what, I am blessed. I have my family. We are healthy and we have everything that we need. Then this morning when Major just randomly was singing that song I just smiled and thought, yes, Lord, I hear ya loud and clear. So I'm thankful for today, for Major, Josh, and all the blessings in my life. Stresses come and go but the fact that our Savior is so loving and faithful makes these things a little more bearable.