Silly ole Transformer found his way to the farm on his first night at our house.
I meant to take a picture of Major this morning once Transformer was found, but I was distracted by the early time and the tears.
Transformer found a new hiding place for the day which was on the counter and kept a good eye on Major all day. Major did great. He looked at him, talked to him, but never touched him, which of course is a strict rule of Santa's.
We watched the Elf on the Shelf movie tonight and that stinky ole kid Taylor Mctuttle got Major's wheels turning about touching the elf. So of course when Maj went downstairs to "pee" he knocked the elf off his little tree. We made Major feel really bad about it so before bed he said he wanted to write a letter (like in the movie) apologizing. Poor kid. Anyway, Here is Major's letter and how he will find Transformer in the morning...
I just wrote word for word what Major said then he wrote his name and drew a picture of Transformer himself. This sort of makes me happy and sad at the same time. Sweet little stinker.
Poor Transformer had to get some band-aids because of his tough fall.
I will do my best to try to remember to do a picture of Major in the morning. I think it would be so fun to see his face once he finds this guy!
If any of you do Elf on the Shelf, what do you do with him during the day? Does he stay in the same spot or sneaky sneaky move throughout the day? I'm curious about that. This is so much fun! I have a list of things for him to do or places for him to hide. Super fun!