Friday, September 3, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

Saw this on fellow blogger Jenna's profile and thought it'd be fun! She's always doing fun stuff over on her blog. So for a little Friday night fun, here goes.
1.  If I didn't have to work anymore I would:  Spend a lot more time with my family. Have a few more kiddos, and travel. 2. My favorite thing about vacation is:  Not really having an agenda. I love the freedom to relax and not do anything and not feel guilty about that. I love having breakfast on vacation for some reason, too. 3. When packing for a trip, I always lay my clothes out by category then by color. Then put them in the suitcase according to how they will be used, for example, if we will arrive late at night then pajamas go on top. I always put my shoes in  gallon baggies too. (Don't judge me)! 4. If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead or alive) I would choose: Probably John Travolta. I have a super crush on him. I think he is so hot! Weird I know. But bonus he has his own plane! I guess technically that wouldn't be a road trip, it'd be an air trip :) 5. My top three absolute travel essentials are: Chapstick, Sunglasses and a a few magazines.
6. Vacations are: Awesome, much needed, relaxing, and unfortunately not taken as often as I'd like. 7.  On vacation you must always: Do something fun and unexpected to make it especially memorable. The last little vacation Josh and I went on, we hiked 2 miles with intertubes (is that how you spell that?), innertubes?, entertubes?, round floating devices .....on our backs just to go down some white water on our nice realxing floating adventure. It was super awesome, so much fun and definitely the best part of the trip!  

Thanks Jenna for this fun little idea. Check out the blog that Jenna get's these from weekly and link up here.

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