Monday, March 11, 2013

hey hey hey

Again, MIA! Seriously, time is just a mean ole stinky thief.

It's March...nearly the middle and I feel like I just put my Christmas tree up. I didn't...but it feels like it was a minute ago.

Lots going on in the King Casa...
Selling the house
Keeping said house clean
Keeping Major busy
Training for a race...ahem, failing to train for a race


Everything is just crazy busy.
We've finished up our projects since last month's post and they are AWESOME! Like I'm crazy in love with them awesome.  I agreed on some baskets finally. I didn't love them originally, but they are great now and work perfectly.
Bad news on the bench/basket project is that the people who are buying our house thought it/they were pretty awesome too and asked that we leave them in the offer...I was like no way kids! Husband overruled. Big ole BOO! He promised to make a new-even-better-than-the-original-one.

He's gonna hate me bc I am going to have him on project overload. Ha!
I haven't slept in like 4 days bc I can't turn my brain off. It's insane. I haven't told him about this madness though bc he's been at school/work I don't want him to divorce me before we get in the new house! Ha! Kidding!

Anyway, I want to remember to post pics of our projects here before we leave them for the new house. We have lots of projects and painting to do at the new house too so I will post before and afters probably over the next few months.

And dude is playing ball this spring. He's on the pirates and is kinda excited to play. Ha. Bless. He wants to play football so bad. We'll get there.

Busy Busy Busy!!! I doubt anyone reads this but thanks if you do!

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