Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting BIG

So, my baby is growing up.

And there is nothing I can do to stop it.

I mean, I am happy he is growing, learning, and thriving....


I want him to be little. Like for a long time.

I don't want him to be big and leave me and like friends and school more than me.


Of course.

His last first day of preschool is tomorrow. Tear(s).....

He is playing sports. We have soccer and t-ball under our belts now.

Saying I am grateful for him growing and learning all this big kid stuff is a huge understatement. He is the biggest and most important blessing in my life. I'm not sure why God felt I was worthy enough to be his Mama, but man, I am so so so happy that he did. I could not be more proud, could not love one person, could not burst with happiness anymore than I do for that child. 

I miss him being little, I miss the fat rolls, the bottles and night time snuggles, I miss him being a BABY but we have so much to look forward to, in this moment and in the future. I try not to 'miss' the time that has passed too much because I don't want to miss what's happening now. He is a ton of fun, he is HILARIOUS and loves to learn new things. Seeing the world through his eyes is amazing, sometimes frustrating but always makes me grateful to share my days with him.

So part of being a big kid is learning new things. His very first t ball game was Saturday and boy was he ready. He already LOVES it a million times more than soccer which is great because we struggled through soccer. It's definitely a learning process, but he's having fun and that's what counts.

So here's the little fella: ready as can be.
And my camera kinda sucks and died but I got a couple of actions shots too:
Seriously, that's my kid?!?! Look how big he is!!!

I need a pause button or at least a slow motion button for the days ahead. I AM NOT READY for him to be big. I'm struggling trying hard not to feel that way, but shew!

 So here's to t-ball, learning new things and as he says "being awesome" :)

Little Dude, I love you to the moon and am so so so proud of you. 

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