Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Birthday Note to My Birthday Boy

My big boy, you are 3!!! Three whole years old! It is so hard to believe. I just looked at your baby book and am in awe of the little, tiny 7 pound baby that you were when you came into this world. The days of bottles, bouncy seats and diapers went entirely too fast. Your first smile, first laugh, first crawl, first steps, first haircut, and your first 3 years just came and went in the blink if my eye. There will be many more milestones and many more firsts; many more things in your precious life to look forward to, but on your special day I just want you to know how loved you are. Before you were born, Daddy and I dreamed about you, hoped for you and prayed for you but we had no idea how deeply, over the moon in love with you we would be. We had no idea the impact you would make in our lives or the way you'd shape the people that we'd become. We had no idea that love could be as boundless as you've shown us it could be. The moment we saw your squished up little face we knew that we were meant to be a family. We knew in that moment what God's plan for us was. Major, you are so precious to Daddy and I because you made us a family, you completed us. We are so proud of the little person that you are becoming! You are so funny and lively, energetic and mischievous. You are sweet as can be but mean as a snake too. You are a bundle of energy and more fun than we ever thought possible. You are perfect. Perfect for me, perfect for Daddy and perfect for our family. Happy Birthday my sweet little man. I love you more than I could ever say. 

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