Transformer Ninja came back to us Tuesday morning by bringing Major presents and breakfast. He was so so so excited!
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The traditional story of the elf is that he comes from the north pole, gets into mischief, watches the kiddo, reports to Santa on said kiddo's behavior and the most important rule....YOU CAN'T TOUCH HIM, or it will take the Christmas magic.
We spent the better part of last season writing apology notes to the Elf and to Santa for touching him. Major just couldn't resist. That plus the focus of naughty/nice lists and less focus on Jesus was enough to make us rethink this whole thing.
I saw a link on pinterest of a parent who wrote a note to her kids about the elf and loved it. I took some of her ideas, and some of mine and came up with a letter that explained new rules to Major.
Josh and I decided these rules suited Major's personality much better than 'challenging' him not to touch the dang elf everyday. He LOVES to be the boss and be in charge and be a leader so here's what we came up with:
Dear Major,
Merry Christmas!
You have been one of my favorite little children to watch
this year. First off, I have to tell you that I think you are very special. You
are filled with love for your Mom and Dad, your friends and family, but most importantly,
you are filled with love for Jesus and I know that he lives in your heart. He
lives in my heart too, so that makes us both especially special!
I have to let you know something really special. You know
that whole naughty and nice list you hear people talking about? Well, the thing
is, that’s more about grace. See, I know Jesus and I know about his grace.
Grace is about love, about getting another chance, and about getting things we
don’t deserve. Like when you make a bad choice, Jesus gives you grace and loves
you still! And sometimes I know your Mom and Dad give you grace too, like when
you deserve to be disciplined but you get another chance.
I know that you are not perfect, but I know that Jesus loves
you ALL THE TIME and so do I! You don’t have to worry about being on the
naughty or nice list, but you do have to believe in the magic of Christmas.
Since it is December, the month we celebrate Jesus, our Rescuer, I am sending a
special friend to your house to help you remember about grace and about how
much Jesus loves you.
Remember Transformer? He became your special elf last year.
He is a dear friend of mine but he sometimes chooses to be
naughty. I have explained grace to him many, many times when he chooses to sin
and to be a stinker. I have told him that’s why Jesus had to come, to rescue
him from the sin and bad choices in his heart. He is beginning to learn, but I
thought if he came to stay with you for the Christmas season you could teach
him some more about grace and about how much Jesus loves us. I know that you
are learning that you get to obey and love God because he first loved you. You are learning about Jesus living in your
heart and how he can help you make good choices. I am hoping you can teach
Transformer that too.
There’s something special you need to know about
Transformer. He is an Elf. Elves aren’t exactly like people. You see,
Transformer stays still during the day and comes alive at night. You can talk
to him, play with him….kinda like George and Rico, they are not alive like you
but they can hear you, play with you and love you. Transformer is quiet during
the day but will play at night and sometimes he will be naughty. When you find
him in the mornings, that’s when you can talk to him about grace and making
good choices.
When I told Transformer he was coming back to stay with you,
he jumped up and down with excitement! He loves to play Ninja Turtles so make
sure he gets to do that while he’s at your house. Thank you for taking care of
him and for teaching him about Jesus.
I’ll be back to pick him up the night before Christmas and I
will leave you some special surprises.
I love you so very, very much.
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I's long.... but he totally gets it. When transformer makes a naughty choice, Major tells him about making better choices in his heart. We've heard him talking to Transformer about Jesus and that Jesus is who he needs to make happy.
Major does say that he is Transformers boss. Well, he thinks he is always the boss of everyone, but he is really proud to be Transformer's boss. I'm ok with that as long as it brings kindness, compassion and love for Jesus to his heart.
Anyway, that's our take on the Elf for now. :)
The picture situation on here....frustrating....apparently I need to start paying to upload pics. Whatever. That's fine. Insert my card #...Can't be processed. FOR THE LOVE! If you want me to pay for them then have your little software working when I try. Um k. So I will try again later gator.