Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Puppy

Josh and Major have wanted a puppy for a while. Me, not so much. I am not really an animal lover. I don't dislike them really, I just prefer to not have them. Our English Bulldog, Duke, passed away about a year and a half ago and since I've just not really had a huge desire to have another one. With Major being an only child though, I realize how important it may be for him to have something to love and to play with. Some friends of ours installed an electric fence for their dog and once Josh learned how affordable it was, well it became his mission to find a dog. He got an awesome deal on the fence so after he purchased it, he spent about 2 days just looking online for a dog. I guess he had already chosen a chocolate lab bc we never did talk about what kind of dog we'd get. Anyway, he found "the dog". She was in Kentucky and was about 3 weeks old, so he contacted the breeder and made plans to go get the pup at 6 weeks.  Everyday Major asked when we were getting her, so needless to say, he was super excited.

Over the course of nearly 3 weeks we had endless conversations, err arguments about this dog's name. Josh had one suggestion, Cooter. OMG NOOOOOOOO!!!!! He said it made him think of Dukes of Hazzard but 1. Whatever 2. The guy named that on the show was a redneck idiot 3. That word makes me think of something other than that character 4. The dog is a girl 5. I couldn't stand the thought of Major saying that word. So, for nearly 3 weeks we argued and I mean really, really argued about this dog's name. I made a bunch of suggestions that were all shot down bc he only wanted ONE name. Finally 2 nights before we got her I found a website that had names that were relational to firefighters. I didn't want to choose something chiche like Smokey or Spot mostly because I knew Josh would shoot me down. After scouring the entire website, my choices were Ember and Tillie (Tiller). Tiller is a really cool type of fire truck. I knew that Tiller would be too masculine for her so Tillie would have to work. Initially he shot both down then came back to Tiller and agreed that Tillie would be her name. I like that her name relates to something that is a huge part of who we are as a family. Major quickly got on board with the name too, which was a good thing.
So last Saturday we load up and head to Russelville Kentucky to get her. She is such a pudgy, sweet little thing and even though I'm not completely in love with her, Josh and Major are. To hear Major laugh and squeal when they play makes me really, really happy. I think I will love her a lot more when she is more of an outside dog and will sleep through the night without having to go out to pee. That part sucks. I do like having her around though, it's just an adjustment. I am looking forward to running with her, taking her to the lake and seeing Major be happy just playing with her. He calls her sweetie or pretty girl :) when he calls her. It's really sweet and he loves her; that's all that really matters.

Major and Tillie as soon as we got in the car
As I'm typing this, she is laying at my feet. She must be dreaming about something bc her little legs are jumping and she is making a funny half growl half bark sound. I guess she is growing on me. Welcome to the family Tillie. 

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