Thursday, December 15, 2011

I love wrapping, wrappings my favorite

Christmas is such a fun time of the year, especially this year with Major. He is so so so excited about everything from his Elf on the Shelf to the tree, Jesus' birthday, and presents. I am excited about Christmas morning this year because he is so excited! He understands Santa and is really anticipating it all this year, which is fun and awesome. We took him to Bass Pro for local heroes night so he got to meet Santa there. He was so happy and couldn't wait to sit on Santa's lap. I don't think he told Santa what he wanted for Christmas, if he did, he didn't tell me. :) He said it was a secret.

With that said, because of all the commercialism of Christmas we have been very careful to explain that Christmas isn't really about Santa or presents or any of that. It is about our Savior and his birthday. He have been telling him the story of Jesus' birth and Major will say he was born in "Befwelam" :) Every night when we say our prayers he prays to Jesus and thanks him for his blessings and says "thank you for being born in a Major". I'd be lying if I said it isn't a challenge to teach him the true meaning of Christmas only because everywhere he turns Santa is in his face. I feel like I could take or leave Santa, but Josh feels very strongly about the tradition of it. I agree that it is really fun and that it's fun for Major to do, I just want him to grow up knowing that Jesus is the reason we have a Christmas at all. We both grew up with the tradition of Santa and turned out fine, so I know he will too, I just don't want him to get wrapped up in the things of the world that really aren't important.

Anyway, I started this blog thinking about wrapping paper. :) One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is wrapping presents. I love shopping for them too, but wrapping is my favorite! Here is one of my favorites for this year.

Merry Christmas Y'all :)

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