Thursday, February 24, 2011

learning to live with IC

Ok so remember that post a few months ago called "what's the bladder?"( here it is if not.) Well, I finally know. I went to the urologist in December and he suggested we do a CT Scan and several other tests/procedures to determine whats going on. So, on Tuesday I went to the Urology Surgery Center at Centennial and had my little procedure. We did the CT Scan first, then they knocked me out with some good ole IV drugs.

Here comes the description of the day. If you don't care or don't want to hear about what went on at the urology surgery center...STOP READING NOW!!!

So, While I was in lala land, they put a catheter in and dilated my urethra and my bladder. I'm pretty sure he poked around pretty good in there because afterwards I felt the most pain I had ever felt in my life. I couldn't pee before I left because he had drained my kidneys and bladder. I was pretty out of it still, so they told Josh to just make sure I had lots of fluids and to go when I got home. Once I got home I felt like I needed to try....OMG...for sure the worst pain I have ever felt. I was certain there were glass shards and razor blades making their way out of my body. It was awful. I just laid on the bathroom floor in the fetal position crying. It was miserable.
I woke up on Wednesday morning regretting my decision to go to work. I really wish I had planned to have that day at home to rest, but no, I planned to go, so I did. I felt pretty rotten and very dizzy all day and still felt like glass and/or razors or maybe even the devil himself was wreaking havoc on my body. I have the most amazing co-workers and boss though, who saw how uncomfortable I was, so they sent me home. Major was an angel and just curled in the bed with me for a much needed nap. So that brings me to today. Right now, just 48 hours after, and I feel alright. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst pain I ever felt (Wednesday) I am at maybe a 2 or 3. I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday. My hope is that each day gets better and better and I learn what my "triggers" are.
So the final diagnosis is: Interstital Cystitis. Basically that means that my bladder doesn't have the protective lining around it that most people have. It also means that bacteria have direct access to my bladder and urinary tract with no protection at all. Because of this and all the infections in my past, it has caused both my bladder and urethra to shrink in size. My bladder is about half the size it needs to be and my urethra is very, very narrow. Unfortunately there is no cure or no way to make it better. There are treatments, however, that can help it from getting worse. I go back in 3 weeks to take a peek at everything and to decide on a course of treatment. Aforementioned, there are "triggers" that can make me have what's called an IC attack or basically a bladder/urinary infection. I don't know yet what those triggers are, but for most people they are citrus acids, lots of friuts, cheese, dairy and vitamin D are all considered pretty strong triggers. Finding the balance of what my body needs for nutrition and "oversupply" so that I don't have an infection is a delicate balance that I will be learning soon.
The bottom line is, I am grateful for a diagnosis. It is complicated and often painful, but could be much worse. It is just another thing that I will have to learn to live with. My prayer is just that I continue to heal and learn my triggers so that I can stay in as little pain as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Heather, I am so sorry you had/are having to go through this! It sounds awful! I hope you are able to learn those triggers and that its not to tought to stay away from them. I'm glad you have a sweet little guy to snuggle up with when you are not feeling well.
