Anyway, what prompted me to write this little blog is when I went to add the second cut piece to a baggie that we were going to save the shreds in, I literally almost passed out. There was moisture in the bag, even though the "clean" blanket came from the dryer straight into the bag and the little note that I had written to him describing his love for his blanket was completely soaked and the ink had smeared. NASTY!!!!!! And it smelled something had died in that bag. Serious ewwww! So now more than ever I know that I am going to have to take that thing away, but for the first time in over 2 and a half years I feel like I don't really know how to do it. He loves it so and it is going to break his heart when it is finally gone. Guess a sad boy is much better than one who is contaminated with God knows what. Here are a few pictures of Major and his beloved blanket.
On vacation in the mountains
Notice the silkie too? Well before his blanket habit formed, he did the same thing with the silkie. I just cut the corner that he was sucking on off and he started with the blanket. Anyway, out goes the blanket. It seriously has to be a health hazard. I'm not sure what to do about the silkie. If he wants it just at bedtime that will be ok as long as it stays out of his mouth.
Parts one and two of the blanket
Have you ever in all your life seen something so nasty?!?
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