Thursday, May 6, 2010

Potty Post

We are having great success with potty training thanks to an old high school friend and her "suggestion" about buying this little froggy potty that she used with her son Jack. Well let me tell you, as soon as we put the thing in the buggy at Wal-Mart Major was already asking to sit on it. When we got home, Josh was taking the wrapping off and Major was crying and throwing a fit to sit on the potty. Not two minutes later was there pee in that potty! I seriously thought I was going to fall over, I was so excited! He continued that day to go potty, went the entire next day dry as a bone, and did great yesterday too! (I'll spare you all the pictures) Today at school, he didn't do as well, but I have to send him in pull-ups til he is trained and that is basically a green light to go in my book; they are just like diapers. That and he is "fraid" of the potty at school, he says "it scary, I fall in". So basically we are a work in progress, but progress nonetheless!!!! I think the key for Major is wearing big boy undies as much as possible and getting that little potty.
Prior to our recent breakthrough, we just had the little seat insert that goes on the big potty. He wasn't into that at all. He would randomly sit on it and would cry and fuss almost every time, but now, he asks to go!!! Thank goodness! Maybe my target goal of "Potty Trained by Summer's End" really is a reachable goal! Way to go little man!


  1. Heather - I totally understand how you are feeling. I feel it, too, and had this conviction after hurricane Katrina wiped out so much of our family and friends. But, one day, you will be blessed with the peace that this, too, will serve a purpose. I came to the realization that Katrina's purpose was to serve as a "wake up call" for FEMA to reorganize and respond to tragedy in a more efficient and timely manner. And I guess it worked. My heart aches for Nashville but I am comforted in knowing that the community is showing God's love by reaching out to those in need. And I want you to know that people in New Orleans are moving to take action in support of the flooded. It's time to repay the favor! I love you, girl and I am sorry you are sad :( The sunshine WILL return!

  2. Thanks for the comment Kelly. Insightful and true. I am not sad though. I would go with humbled. Just all around, I feel blessed and humbled. My tears Sunday were coming mostly from being so hateful to Josh last week about being gone so much. I was feeling guilty. All the other things, I am happy about. Happy that I could see God working in my life, happy to help my neighbors, happy that I have the opportunity to make a choice about how I handle things. Through this tragedy, come triumph if we can open our eyes and hearts to see it. Love you girly thanks for the sweet words! :)
