Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Heather Fish...

I had promised Major that once he was in big boy underwear that he could have a fish of his own. Well he seemed to forget about it until last Tuesday but on the way home from school he asked if we could go look at the fishies so I said sure....anyway, we ended up getting a very easy to care for (male) beta fish who he named Heather. :)
Once we got home, he kept putting his hands in the fish's water, so I told him that the fish and (her) water were nasty and that the fish was just for looking at. Well, the other day I got out of the shower and Major was in his bathroom so I went in there to see what he was doing and he had poured an ENTIRE BOTTLE of handsoap in the fish tank. When I asked him why he did that, he said "she was nasty". At least he listened to that part! Needless to say Heather didn't make it. I realized she was belly side up last night, so today she went bye bye in the potty.
Now I need to decide to tell him about fish heaven or just replace her. Oh darn hand soap :(


  1. hahaha Stories like this get me so excited for a little boy. Boys are hilarious! RIP Heather fish. I suggest just getting another one. My parents just replaced my brother's fish over and over. He thought they lived to be like 7. lol

  2. Boys are so so so much fun and they love their Mamas like crazy! I always wanted one of each just to have the experience of a boy and a girl, but I love my Major so much that I'd love to have another little boy! Anyway, he asked about the fish this am and I told him that the fishie went to heaven and he said can we get a new one, so of course we will. :)
