Well, it's been a while since I sat down and wrote anything.
This summer absolutely flew by. We are settling into our house, loving the neighborhood and the proximity to everything. It is everything we prayed it would be.
Josh has been working non-stop.
Major has been Major. He's busy! His summer consisted of skateboarding, swimming, laking it, football, a whole bunch of bike riding and just hanging out. We've loved every minute and are so thankful to daddy for allowing it all to happen.
But summer ended today...which brings me to this post.
I'm not sure how I feel, what I want to say, whether I'm happy or sad...so whatever this becomes will probably be rambly...
Tomorrow begins a journey for us that 5 years ago seemed so, so, so far away.
When we found out our baby was a boy we prayed for him. We hoped so many things for him not yet even knowing what he would look like, who he would be, what his personality would be like. For 5 years we've watched him grow into this independent, funny, wild, mischievous, happy little boy who is so full of life. For 5 years I tried to envision this night and tomorrow morning. And in this moment, I feel so bittersweet about it.
I'm sure all Mamas are fighting back the same tears that I am right now. I am so happy that I am blessed with a son who is ready for this milestone. I am so happy that he is independent enough to go and be excited about kindergarten. I am so happy that we live in a place that he can go to a good school with loving teachers. I am so happy.
But, there's sadness too. Sadness that he's big. Sadness that my days won't be filled with everything Major. Sadness that the house will be so quiet. Sadness that he's not a baby and that he doesn't need me so much.
For 5 years I've been there for every first. Every moment. Every everything that he's ever needed I've been there and now I won't be. The thing is, he's so ready. So ready. This separation stuff is all me. He will be great. I am gonna miss him for sure but I know that he will have the best time. He will be amazing like he is at everything he tries for and I will be good too...eventually...hopefully.
My prayer for him is that he grows and learns. I want him to be himself, to be a leader. I hope he tries hard then tries harder at everything he does. I hope he loves and is nice to everyone, uses his manners and remembers that the words he uses, the choices he makes and the things he does are reflections of Jesus. I hope he is the hands and feet. I hope he knows we love him and are so, so, so incredibly proud of him.
It's overwhelming to me that this moment is here. As I walk out of the school tomorrow I am sure there will be some tears (hopefully from just me). I hope I have some peace about leaving him tomorrow and that he has the best day!
If anyone stuck with me to the end of this pity party, please feel free to say a prayer for us both tomorrow!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
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