Last week I decided to go to the mountains for a few days with Major and thought rather than going alone I would invite my friend Emily and her kiddos, afterall, Major and Abby always do pretty well together and well I just love Emily. Well the first sign that this trip was going to be....."intersting" was that I had a urinary tract infection, regardless, I was excited and we headed on. After a couple of meltdowns and a few kid-arguments in the car, we made it and immediately went for dinner. Major was AWFUL and I seriously thought about leaving him with some of the tourists, but decided they'd just bring him back, so we struggled through dinner and headed back for some R&R. Thankfully the kids went to sleep shortly after we got to the condo and Emily and I had some time to chat. That was the best part of the trip! I woke up Thursday am not feeling great at all, but I had promised Major we would play golf, so we took the kids to play putt putt. They didn't have a clue, but we did have fun there until Major threw a tantrum over driving the firetruck out front. Later in the day we took the kids to Cade's Cove. I was most excited about that because I knew they could run and play and the weather was BEAUTIFUL that day. Well, we got up there and the loop was closed....bummer....so we let them look at the horses and run around in the grass by the parking lot. By this time in the day, both Emily and I were tired, I was still not feeling well, and after endless tantrums we decided to come back home a day early. We grabbed dinner and headed West. Just when I started to wonder how much 2 little kids could argue, Major puked ALL OVER himself and Emily's van. I am talking like in the movies projectile! Not good at all. So we pulled over and I had to beg a very rude Iranian gas station worker for a garbage bag. I hosed Major off, found some clean clothes, put his carseat in the garbage bag, and called Josh. The smell of puke was horrid.....so thankfully Josh met us on the interstate, so Emily didn't have to drive the rest of the way with Pukey Pukerson in the backseat. Poor Emily....I swear, I will be surprised if she ever does anything with us again. Anyway, our quiet mid-week fun little trip turned into a very stressful and sickly little trip instead. We kept looking at each other saying we will look back at this trip and say "Hey, you remember when...."! We got a few good laughs, but overall, I say we need a re-do!!!!