Friday, April 1, 2011

How did he grow up so fast?

I am officially a soccer mom.....what......??? Haha! 1. How in the world do I have a kid old enough to play sports? And 2. Never in a million years did I think that kid would play soccer! Josh told Major it is a gateway sport; one just to play til he is old enough for baseball and more specifically football. Ahhhh a dad's dream for his kid. I really don't care what Major chooses to play. He can stay with soccer, go with baseball, basketball, football, or choose a different one. I don't care really as long as he is playing something that he loves. I don't think being athletic will be a challenge for him. He seems to love all things sports. :) 

So on to soccer. He has only had 4 practices I think. His first game is Saturday and he is very, very excited! He is the youngest on his team but he keeps up with everyone and does well. His suggestion for the team name was taken and now they are the....Dragons!!!! None of the kids on the team really have a clue about what they are doing or how to kick the ball. They all just run around aimlessly, some tackle, some try to find the goal,  and some (Major) score a goal for the wrong team. It is so much fun to watch them play. The most important thing is he is learning fundamentals that will hopefully lay the foundation for his future in athletics. He is learning to listen to his coach, be a team player, sportsmanship, taking turns and patience. Already, in just a few short weeks, I have seen a big difference in him. He seems to love it and is very excited!
 Being a good little listener

Thumbs up!

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