He was doing and saying funny things all day today too. I got a few on camera and wrote the others in his quote book. This post was started though to say how lucky I am to be his Mama. His bedtime routine is always the same and normally he asks Josh or I to start his prayers then he adds who/what he wants to pray for. Tonight, though, he asked to say the prayer himself. It went like this:
"Dear God, thank you for this day and thank you for my blessings. Thank you for my family and my food, thank you for getting us home safe from church in the snow. Thank you for my daddy and please keep him safe at work. Thank you for my family (he said that twice :)) In your name I pray, Amen.
It just makes me so happy and melts my heart to hear him talking to God that way. Although completely sinful and full of failures every day, I am so glad that God gives us some type of provision and guidance to teach Major that God loves him more than anything else. My heart is overflowing with gratitude to God for choosing Major for us. He is everything to me and I am so proud of him.