Monday, August 15, 2011


Sunday afternoon,  The Glade Church put on a worship concert at the fair. The goal was to have 1000 people at the pageant pavilion for a concert that was to honor and worship God. It was a very, very cool experience to see all those matching blue shirts plus a whole bunch of other people singing and worshiping openly in a public place. I looked over at Josh during one of the songs and whispered to him how lucky we are to live in a place where we can worship openly and publicly . Holding my baby, standing next to my husband, being a part of something bigger than myself and singing to and for Jesus was a wonderful experience. As said at the concert, we weren't there to spread the name of the church, to spread the name of the pastor or the music even, we were there to Go! Worship; to sing for our Savior in an unlikely place, to radically shake people up and present them with something that they did not intend on hearing or seeing. We had a lot of fun and once again felt that reassurance and sense of belonging.
We got to the fair a few hours before the concert so that Major could play and ride beforehand. He was so much fun this year! He is a little daredevil anyway, but just to watch him be so happy made us so happy.
 The Glade Concert

 Major and his namesake, Major
 Lots of little Gladeville Boys
 Loving on my favorite buggy

We found Major's friend Molly from school and together they rode just about everything.
 Look at the joy on his face!
 It was such a nice, fun family day.

Catching up...again

I need to be better about blogging. I'm a total slacker. Anyway, let's see...
Josh finished the academy, YAY, so today was his first day on shift. He says all these numbers, like 28 and 13s and 11s. I think that means District 28 stations 13 and 11. I think. He is far away from home, but he seems to be happy so once again we are transitioning. As a result of Josh's new job, me working in Gladeville, and church being there, I think we are going to try to sell our house and move in a little closer. Gladeville seems to be where we are focused now, but we will see. I think the plan for now is to get through the holidays then in January and February get the house ready to sell. Maybe in March when the sun starts shining a little and the weather gets a little warmer we can put it on the market. We will see though. This is all in God's timing. We are just trying to be patient so we make sure we make all the right decisions.

In other news, Josh's battalion had a family night where all of the families of the recruits could come and see the academy. We were able to walk through the classroom and the fire towers, we rode on the fire trucks and watched them do a flashover fire. It was really fun to be there and to see where Josh has been for the past 13 weeks. As a firefighters wife it is hard to feel like you are a part of that part of your spouse's life ( I will blog that later) so it  was really neat to see Josh fight a fire and to meet his 'brothers'.  Here are a few pictures of that fun night:
This is probably one my all time favorite pictures of these two. Like Ever!
 Wearing Daddy's mask. It has a cool speaker that he loves!
 Going through the wire tunnel
 Right after dinner the tones sounded which meant they had to hurry, hurry, HURRY to get their gear on and run outside. It was a fake, of course, but we got to see what happens when the tones sound all of the sudden. (like we didn't already know what that was like) :)
 Major wanted a pic when Daddy got back in
 Josh and one of his Captains
 The flashover. It is 1200 degrees in there and Josh was in the front. Crazy.
It was a really fun night and I am so glad that we were able to experience it as a family. I am so proud of Josh for accomplishing all that he has. He really is my hero.

This past weekend Josh had planned on camping in the backyard with Major. It had rained a little bit and the forecast called for scattered showers over night, so we just moved the camping inside. We made smores, watched Rio on demand, let Major stay up late and sleep in his tent. It was a fun night that we all needed.

 About to make smores on a stick
 The tent camping got moved to his room which he was so happy about!
I love that as Major gets a little older, we can do really fun things as a family and he actually enjoys and notices them. So fun to do those things with our sweet boy.
Ok, so that catches me up a little. :)